Sunday, 28 August 2011

Bell Mobility phone repair process

With regards to repair process , Bell Mobility policies ensure that physical damage is to be cited to as many customers as possible to avoid having to pay repair costs out of BM’s budget. The extended warranty ($7/month) works only for 2 repairs / replacements and then you are no longer eligible. The store employees are not trained on the repair portion that well at all and usually refer to Technical Support for these matters.
My advice with regards to repair is DONT GO TO THE STORE FOR REPAIR ISSUES. The employees there don’t know much about the phone technically , if its a software issue they will call Technical Support from the same phone number you would call them on, and you have to pay a deposit at the store. If you call Technical Support request they send you a box with shipping label and you will NOT pay anything for a deposit or shipping. Only if the phone is determined to have a physical damage from negligence.
If the phone is not repair after 3-4 times you have the right for a replacement and also the right to speak to a department called innovations. They are an internal department that deal with very technical aspects of phones. Bell Mobility employees would never tell you anything about this because they are instructed not to. Palm Pre are the worse phones ever with repair.

If anyone has any questions , or advice on a problem with Bell Mobility ... leave a reply or email me at

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Special Customer Service Contact Number

Can't get a hold of Bell Mobility agent , or any Bell Canada agent ?

The customer service phone number does not connect you anywhere?

The routing system of Bell Canada and its subsidiaries is designed to increase service level % meaning less calls coming in to customer service agents.  It's also designed to cut you out after certain period of time of holding.

If you would like to get a hold of an agent without going through the hassle of waiting , do this:

1- dial 1-866-230-4675
2- it will ask you for a special number , enter 60504xx (put in any two numbers instead of the xx , the bigger the better). You may also replace the 4 with a 5.
3-Now you may choose where you want to be routed to , whether Bell Internet, Home phone, Cellular, or TV.
4-You get to also choose the language (Hint: If you choose French you will get an agent from Quebec or Ontario and three quarter of them are bilingual because they have to communicate with the Toronto and Vancouver offices whom may of them don't speak French).

Have fun :)